Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh Gwyneth. Sometimes you really get it right.

Gwyneth Paltrow was my fashion idol growing up. No one was more impeccably and effortlessly beautiful than she to me. I loved every single thing she put on. I wanted her long, gorgeous, blond locks. As a 16 year old in the midst of a rough puberty, I wished I had the effect she seemed to have on young men. Having Brad Pitt on your arm doesn't hurt either :) Of course, the world is only made up of a few Gwyneths. I've grown up and since learned to better appreciate aspects of myself that go beyond the surface. (That doesn't mean that I still wouldn't love her hair :))

While Gwyneth seems to have gotten a little wrapped up in being "sexiest Mom of all time" as of late (just check out some of these new looks of hers'), I have a total soft spot for the gal. I mean, don't you just love her in this trench and her braided hair?


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