Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tearing up the surf
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The iPhone-created New Yorker cover
Spinning vinyl ipod app from Theodore Watson on Vimeo.
Last night my fiance was explaining the late night thinking he's been giving to the development of an iPhone app. Every time he has an idea, he finds that it's already been done. It's true; there are so many damn apps but these two, in particular, caught my eye.
The first one is the most recent cover of The New Yorker created by just an artists's finger and his iPhone. Using an iPhone app called Brushes, the artist was able to draw and paint as if his phone was a canvas. Isn't that unbelieveable? Who is an 'artist' anymore these days? I mean, look at the cover! It looks like he actually used a brush! Are we going to see the demise of painting now?? Maybe that's a bit rash.
The other cool app I stumbled upon mimics a record player. Check out the video to see how.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What I'm reading

One of my strange "rules" in life is to only buy one book at a time. I've found that any time I buy more than one, I never end up focusing and finishing any of those I've purchased. The most efficient way for me to reach the end of a novel or non-fiction piece is to start with one and only one.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Finishing touches

I should start off by saying that I made the goat cheese, asparagus and lemon pasta tonight and it was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. Thanks to my friend, Stephanie, I used loads of lemon juice and zest so it turned out zappy, just the way I wanted it. I also replaced tarragon with fresh mint and basil because (a) I forgot to buy tarragon at the store and (b) my Mom (yes, I called my mother for emergency herbal advice!) suggested that I incorporate those two lovely greens. Voila! It was superb.
I spent most of the remaining evening finishing up plans for our honeymoon. The good news is that I've got all of the accomodations booked except for our last two nights, which will end in Tokyo. It feels like such a relief to have knocked this off my 'to-do' list. My procrastination was unreasonable this time around and I've been trying to figure out why. I suppose part of it is my unfamiliarity with Japan altogether and the sheer length of our stay. The only other vacation I've had that's lasted nearly three weeks was my 2007 road trip along the South African coast with Stephanie....and she planned the whole thing :) Spoiled, I know. But seriously, planning 21 days of sightseeing, relaxation and coordinating the travel logistics is daunting. That being said, next time around I think I'll be less timid and far more 'take charge.'
I thought I'd end the evening on a fun note with little lovelies from around the web...little things I'd love to have or share with others. Enjoy.
(Via auto., Anthropologie & Pip-Squeak Chapeau, Etc.)
Something easy for this gloomy week

With all of this yucky weather staring us in the face this week, I'm determined to take advantage of the housebound time by charting new culinary waters. Shrimp and grits is on the menu for one night this week but so is this super easy asparagus, goat cheese and lemon pasta recipe from Smitten Kitchen. What would I do without her blog?!?!
Serves 6
1 pound spiral-shaped pasta
1 pound slender asparagus spears, trimmed, cut into 1- to 1 1/2-inch pieces
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon peel
2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon plus more for garnish
1 5- to 5 1/2-ounce log soft fresh goat cheese (the pre-crumbled stuff will not melt as well)
Fresh lemon juice to taste (optional)
Cook your pasta in a large pot of well-salted water until it is almost tender, or about three minutes shy of what the package suggests. Add asparagus and cook until firm-tender, another two to three minutes. Drain both pasta and asparagus together, reserving one cup of pasta water.
Meanwhile, combine olive oil, lemon peel, tarragon and cheese in a large bowl, breaking up the goat cheese as you put it in. Add hot pasta and asparagus to bowl, along with a couple slashes of the pasta water. Toss until smoothly combined, adding more pasta water if needed. Season genersously with salt and pepper, and lemon juice if you feel it needs a little extra kick
Friday, May 22, 2009
Look on the bright side

I'm heading off to Seabrook Island today with my fiance. What are your plans for the holiday weekend? I hope whatever you do brings you as much joy as the sight of these flowers did for me this morning. I will forever love pink :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ellen DeGeneres inspired me
Forever the procrastinator?

I never thought of myself as a procrastinator but lately I'm beginning to wonder. We're less than four weeks out from our honeymoon and we've only planned the first four days of our trip, which will be in Tokyo.
Barack can't catch Bo
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Could Tom and I get photos of us like these?

God, I love these! What's with couples' love for balloons in pictures? Totally adds a 'pop' to everything and leaves you feeling like they're having the time of their lives.
Song of the moment

It was one of those nights we still talk about.
Monday, May 18, 2009
In my next life, I'll be an artist

Check out the incredible print show at artstream. You won't be disappointed.
Moments. That's what we've got.
I took a trip to Rehoboth, DE with my friend, Roni, last weekend.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm hungry...and I want broccoli slaw

I need something refreshing and healthy right now. Doesn't this broccoli slaw look like the perfect afternoon snack?
Spotted at Union Station
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Sartorialist turns his daughter into a budding star

Scott Schuman, blogger extraordinaire and photographer at The Sartorialist, may be turning his daughter, Isabel, into the next Annie Leibovitz of her generation. In preparation for a shoot for Style Piccoli, Schuman shot Isabel as if she was just learning to photograph.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Should we think about wallpaper?

I've never seriously considered putting wallpaper in our house, until Joanna Goddard made me think twice. What do you think of these samples from Rose and Radish? Would you put any of these on your walls? Do you have other suggestions for cool wall decorations?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Food photography

If you are a devotee of Gourmet then you've likely run across Roland Bello's exquisite photography.

I wouldn't mind cuddling up inside this hideaway if an ocean surrounded me.
Wedding inspiration

I totally agree with Joanna Goddard from Cup of Jo - this is one of the loveliest brides I've ever seen!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Trust your gut

Last night I left work around 6:15pm and headed out with the intention of catching the bus. I had to swing by my old apartment on 16th Street to pick up some mail. Traffic was abyssmal. Cars were blocking most of the main intersections downtown and nothing was moving. Turns out that the President's motorcade left the White House at this time, and like they always do, DC police had to stop traffic to ensure that he had the open road.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Something yummy to break up the work day

A couple of my colleagues and I headed over to Tangysweet in Chinatown this afternoon for a little break in the day.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
JT @ the Costume Institute Gala

Tonight, I told my fiance that I wish I was born a truly great dancer so that I could fulfill my desire of becoming Justin Timberlake's back-up dancer.
Don't laugh. We all have our silly little dreams.
So how ironic was it that he happened to be a co-host at this evening's Costume Institute Gala, of which I knew nothing about? Looking nothing but cool and handsome, it was actually his girlfriend, Jessica Biel, who stole my breath away in her striking red Versace Atelier dress.
Killer couple aren't they?
If you're staying in Seattle

It's all about the Ace Hotel.
When my parents lived in Victoria, British Columbia, I had the chance to spend a few nights in Seattle one spring break during college. Despite the rain and the doom and gloom of it all, I dug it. Best pint of Guinness I've had in the country since my semester in Ireland. Great record stores (and I do mean albums...yes, the old school kind). And damn good pubs with patrons that talk about things other than work (that was a bit of a swipe at DC, I know).
But I must admit, it was a bit tough leaving the Ace Hotel. At that time, I'd never stayed in a boutique hotel so me being wide-eyed and bushy-tailed back then, I soaked up the experience.
Every room maintains a unique aesthetic. And while they're all different, as you can tell from the photos, they each maintain a starkness that is certainly part of the Ace's style.
If you go, let me know. I'd love to hear about your experience.
Spruce it up

Ya, it would be really nice to make our home look like this. And of course, I'd like to think that I'd follow the designer's advice on how to make everything look cool on the cheap but let's get real here for a second. That's just not me. The cheap part - that's awesome; I'm down with it. But doing research to find the best way to cover up walls and make everything look super unique, well, that's what I'd rely on a professional for.
If you're a better person than me, I highly recommend checking out Victoria Smith's blog, SFGirlByBay, for neat ideas on how to spruce up your humble abode. You'll find yourself going, "Ohhhhh.....ahhhh...yes! That's what I love," over and over again.
(Via poppytalk)
Condi Rice witnesses the power of citizen journalism
Monday, May 4, 2009
The perfect Sunday meal
With the onslaught of gray, rainy days, a hearty Sunday lunch was in order. Roni came over yesterday for a little girl chat and catch-up, while my fiance brewed his first batch of home-brewed beer.
The rain continued its steady drip. Most of the city stayed home. Out came a great meal because when it's gloomy, eat as the Italians would, right?
Prosciutto, Fleur Verte (cheese), kalamata olives, fresh sourdough bread, hummus, tomatoes and cucumbers marinated in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and finally, pineapple. It was delicious. Restraint was tough but being that it was Sunday and a lazy day, no guilt was involved. In fact, it was just what the doctor ordered.