Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Asparagus pizza

After trying out the "Chop-chop salad" last night, I've fallen back in love with everything green. There was a moment when we parted over an indulgent weekend on Seabrook Island with family and while hanging out with friends for a few days in Chicago. Lots of eating out that didn't result in the federal government's serving requirements for fruits and veggies.

Sometimes, though, you need a break from the things you love most to remember why you were hooked on them to begin with, right?

This is why I'm excited to try out Smitten Kitchen's asparagus pizza recipe this weekend. Vace, in Cleveland Park, has great pizza dough, and the markets are bursting with asparagus, so it seems like it's the perfect time for this dish. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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